
Serving Together
Map of Missions Mission List

Giving In Motion

Your Generosity Matters

Opportunities to serve financially, physically, and more importantly through prayer with and for those serving locally & around the world!

Ongoing mission trips occur regularly where you can roll up your sleeves and serve. Let us know if you are interested in serving or gain insight at informational meetings announced in the newsletter and on Sundays during service.

Local Missions:

Care/Net Pregnancy Center
Monroe, WI
Complete Support For Women in Unplanned Pregnancy Situations and Young Parents. Care Net Provides Compassionate, Non-Judgmental Services to Women and Men Facing a Pregnancy Decision. We Offer Help, Hope, and Healing Through Education and Ongoing Support.

(608) 325-5051

Rockford Rescue Mission
Rockford, IL
A homeless shelter that evangelizes and disciples those with addictions and substance abuse. Since 1964
Rockford Rescue Mission has shared hope and help in Jesus’ name to move people from homelessness and despair toward personal and spiritual wholeness.

(815) 965-5332
[email protected]

Lifeline Coalition (Freeport Pregnancy Center)
Freeport, IL
We exist to stand for life and erase abortion from our community. The Lifeline Coalition exists as a Christ-Centered ministry to effectively serve the at-risk pregnant woman and empower her to choose life for her unborn child.

(815) 232-5433

National Missions:

Rural Bible Crusade
Stratford, WI
They go to “forgotten” rural churches and host VBS programs free of charge. During the summer months, we attempt to reach more youth though our Vacation Bible School program which is conducted throughout Wisconsin. We partner with churches and help them hold a VBS in their community.

(715) 563-4488
[email protected]

1805 Union Avenue
Union Grove, WI 53182
(262) 878-6520

Shepherd’s Ministries

Union Grove, WI
A school, college, and work program for the physically and mentally challenged. Shepherds Ministries, a nationally recognized organization founded on Jeremiah 23:4, provides compassionate Christian care, vocational education and job opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities, helping them attain Appropriate Independence with fulfilling jobs and lives, while also providing for their spiritual development.


Campus Ministry
River Falls, WI
Jared and Alyse Roby
The Robys serve with All Nations Services International on the UW River Fall Campus. Their family and ministry strives to share the love of Christ with International Students from around the world through meals, friendship, bible studies, trust, and many other tangible service opportunities. The Robys live in community with many of these students and are therefore able to meet a variety of needs as they seek to love and minister to those who are studying here in Wisconsin from around the world.

(651) 329-6389
[email protected]

RBC Ministries (Radio Bible Class) Daily Bread
Grand Rapids, MI
Our mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all. Helping people connect with God. Every day. Every way. It all started in 1938 with a small radio program called Detroit Bible Class. With his gravelly voice, Dr. M. R. DeHaan quickly captured the attention of listeners in the Detroit area, and eventually the nation. Since then, our audience has grown to millions of people around the world who use our Bible-based resources.


Samaritan’s Purse
Boone, North Carolina
Disaster Relief and evangelizing the lost. After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan’s Purse—to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel.

(828) 262-1980

Walnut Creek Church – Campus Ministry
Des Moines, Iowa
Blake Joiner, Jacob Bennet, Josh Thompson
Campus Fellowship is a multi-site college ministry in the Midwest. Students come together to seek God through Bible studies, outreach events, and worship services. We strive toward real and authentic relationships as demonstrated by Jesus.


International Missions:

Asia & India
Address anonymous for security reasons
Nate and Shannon Ackerman
The Ackermans serve as missionary leaders through CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ International) and the Jesus Film Project. The Ackerman’s provide resources and strategize with missionaries reach Central Asia and India to share the Gospel using the Jesus Film translated into the “Heart” language.

Partner Financially: https://give.cru.org/
(search staff by 0501673)

Partner in Prayer: [email protected]
(Send an email to recieve monthly newsletter of prayer requests.)

El Auyundante Missions USA
Ryan and Angie Schick
El Ayudante’s mission is to grow committed followers of Jesus Christ by meeting the needs of their community. Local communities are involved with El Ayudante in creating their own solutions to the challenges they face every day – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Both Ryan and Angie help with team activities within the EA team. Ryan also works closely with local pastors to help develop deeper relationships, and Angie serves as a nurse in the clinic.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Hope Builders
Romania, East Europe
Pastor Alex Stroie

Alex Stroie, who is pastor of Elim Baptist Church, Oradea, Romania. He is blessed with four children: Rebeca, Bogdan, Abiel, and Raisa. His wife, Rodi, is trained as a social worker. They have developed outreach programs, specifically a daycare program, a homework club, and a nursing home. They also run Casa Rabi, a Christian camp. For the past two years, they have been very involved in helping refugees from Ukraine.

Frontier Partners International
Jordan, Kurdistan, Lebanon
Dean Cernek

Partnering with national believers doing great work in their own countries, with an overall mission to take part in refugee interactions, crisis intervention, and support of local pastors in the regions. The 2024 trip will include Aaman, Jordan; Erbil, Kurdistan; and Beirut, Lebanon.

Frontier Partners International
10 Primrose Street Unit 670
Palmer Lake, CO 80133


Pioneers – Muslim Ministries
Address anonymous for security reasons
Justin and Shannon O’Hara
J[email protected]
Join the team at: https://pioneers.org/give
Account Number: 112438

New International
 Allison Duncan
Allison serves alongside the Prosperous Youth Foundation team in Thailand. The PYF team is networking with youth homes in Chiang Mai and providing them with resources, equipping youth workers, and discipling youth (ages 12-20) living without their parents in the city of Chiang Mai.


Ethnos 360 Ministry – Missao Novos Tribos
Brazil – (on the Amazon River)
Poulson Sisters
The Poulson sisters and their 4 daughters work at an international boarding school in the Amazon basin of Brazil. The school serves the children of families who work in missions or ministry. The Poulsons manage the cafeteria, teach, and provide medical care for the staff and students.
