Get "INMotion"
Get Involved!We are a church that is always in motion and each of our ministries reflects it!

Get involved, give back, and make a difference in the lives of others.
8:00 Worship
9:30 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
6 – 7:30 Youth Group
Fellowship Opportunities
Tuesday 10:00-Noon Bible Study
Wednesday 8:00-10:00 Bible Study
Thursday 6:00-8:30pm Family Night
Connect with us today and become a part of our growing family.
Martintown Community Church – where church and home come together.
Next Steps
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
Get Involved
Misson Ministries

MCC Supports Local, National & International Missions & Missionaries.
If you are asking, “How can I get involved”, you are in the right place!
There are a variety of ways to help:
- Attend Sunday Worship, Sunday School, Bible studies, Family Night, VBS, Special Nights or Events, then encourage and invite others to attend!
- Bring a dish to pass on Sunday or any Fellowship Event.
- Just Ask! Anytime you are in attendance, just ask those around you, “what can I do to help” or jump right in. Every time we gather there are many hands helping and most just ask and jump right in carrying something, washing dishes, putting chairs away…Many hands make light work and here at MCC everyone loves to assist.
- Donations are always welcome (Snacks, Nursery Items, etc.) Just bring ’em to church! Nursery Needs: Animal Crackers, Baby Wipes, Diapers (All Sizes), and Goldfish (the food!). Sunday School can always use little thing such as Dum-Dum pops or small treats/toys to reinforce lessons, crayons, pens, paper. Just ask one of our volunteer teachers, it will make their day!
- Volunteer to occasionally work in the nursery or volunteer as a teacher / helper.
- Help with Tech or the Worship Team. Wether or not you are musically or tech inclined, you will be supported and trained to help with the gifts God gave you. Remember, you will be part of a TEAM in whatever you do.
- Miscellaneous ways to help (Have a pickup, trailer, chainsaw, shovel snow…). Many things need repair right here at church…of course, you may be insterested in one of our short-term mission trips in the states or abroad!
- There are MORE ways to get involved… to do so use the form below or contact Pastor Kevin.